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Our Story

Her Story

I'm an artist. Some say a gypsy. Definitely an adventurer. I once had a friend say "All we do is just chase you around the world, Amanda" and I think that may have been true. Until now.


I met Paul on-line while living in Denmark. I have no idea how after countless "matches" (all of which were certainly not!) the little robot decided to pair me to Paul, but it did. I spied on his profile, noting his handsomeness and genuine smile, then proceeded to write him the most charming email I could muster! We spent the better portion of the next 2 months emailing and skyping, before our "first date" when Paul flew to Denmark to meet me in person. 


I truly could not have met a more loving, kind and genuine person. Paul has the ability to put me at ease, just by being in the room. I remember discribing him as "A tall tree with deep roots" to my fluttering bird-like energy. To me, he is the perfect balance. We have traveled all over together, meeting up for various rendezvous wherever exhibitions or music brought us. It has already been such an amazing ride, and I couldnt ask for a better co-pirate to keep having amazing adventures with ! 


His Story

​In late September 2011 I got home from working outside all day, opened my computer, and found the loveliest message, from... wait - a beautiful North Carolinian working in Denmark? Amanda's warmth and vibrancy shone through in every word. Soon we were messaging back and forth, then skyping every day, and then in November I found myself on the train from Copenhagen to Slagelse, for our first 'date'. When I stepped off the train, Amanda jumped (literally) off the platform, and we kissed, and everything in my life transformed.


The last months we have met in Denmark, Florida, North Carolina, New York, Washington, Oregon, Indiana, Iceland, the Netherlands, and Toronto (there is still some 'chasing' going on!).


Those of you who know Amanda will know the tireless energy and radiant spirit she brings to her family, friends, art, adventure, and fun. For those who've yet to meet her, get ready! I am so incredibly happy that Amanda is moving to Toronto, that I get to chase her from time to time, that we will spend the rest our lives - home and away - together.


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